

PWN Definition & Meaning - Merriam

pwned; pwning; pwns. transitive verb. slang. : to dominate and defeat (someone or something) : own sense 1b, rout entry 2 sense 1a. Online gamers use pwn to describe annihilating an opponent, or owning them.


It's typically used to imply that someone has been controlled or compromised, for example I was pwned in the Adobe data breach.

Have You Been Pwned

評分 4.4 (1,011) · If you get pwned, hackers will take control of your accounts. They could lock you out, but more embarrassingly, they can send spam, malware- ...


... 意思是攻破(to compromise,危及 ... 例如某一個外部團體已經取得未經公家許可的系統管理員控制權限,並利用這個權限駭入並入侵(owned 或是pwned)這個系統。


to defeat or take control of someone or something, usually in an internet video game. (通常在網際網路遊戲中)戰勝(或控制)(某人或某物). You were just pwned!

What Does it Mean to Be Pwned? Find out!

To be Pwned (owned) is to have been the victim of a data breach.


什麼是pwned? Pwned起源於網路遊戲魔獸爭霸內owned的拼寫錯誤,意思是被擊敗或羞辱。 隨著時間過去,它也被用來描述未經授權的存取或數位資產外洩。 所以, ...

Have I Been Pwned?

The name Have I Been Pwned? uses the hacker jargon term pwn, which means to gain unauthorized access to or compromise a computer system. Features · History · Branding · Data breaches

What Does PWN Mean?

PWN is hacker jargon meaning to conquer or dominate. In the context of online security, pwned often means that your account or system has been breached.

What does pwned mean? - roblox

it means defeat an opponent or rival completely get the better of. but it basically means to destroy something like in this context (the badge) ...